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Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

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September 2024 TOPICS


This month, we're learning from exciting stories in the Torah, the first part of the Bible! The tales from the Torah offer a treasure trove of wisdom and guidance for children, helping them develop a moral compass, deepen their spiritual understanding, and navigate life's complexities with greater insight and purpose.


Leadership: Stories of Moses, Deborah, and King Solomon teach about effective leadership qualities like vision, courage, and wisdom.


Family and Relationships: The complex family dynamics in the Torah, from Abraham and Sarah to Jacob and his sons, shed light on the importance of family bonds, forgiveness, and reconciliation.


Overcoming Obstacles: The Israelites' journey through the desert and other challenges faced by biblical figures illustrate resilience and the ability to overcome obstacles.


The Consequences of Choices: The Torah repeatedly shows that actions have consequences, teaching children to think carefully about their decisions.


Faith and Trust in God: The stories demonstrate the power of faith and trust in God, even in the face of adversity.

Dec 2023 - Video of the Month

This video illustrates that everyone is unique and has something special to share.  Children are encouraged to BE who they are and not somebody else. "Why be a carbon copy when you were born an original?"​

Children’s Church (ages 3 to 9)   Pre-Teen Group (ages 10-12)   Teen Group (ages 13-17)

"Happy New Year 2024, families! The Youth Ministry at CSL Parker is excited to announce that in 2024, we will be providing our children with the opportunity to learn about wisdom from various faith traditions across the globe. Our teachings aim to impart important life lessons using stories from Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and Native American traditions. These teachings will highlight universal values such as 'The Golden Thread of Truth,' 'Love thy neighbor,' 'You reap what you sow,' 'We are stewards of the earth and each other,' and 'Treat others as you would like to be treated,' and many more.

Our goal is to create an engaging and interactive experience for children where they can actively participate in the lessons taught. In addition to learning about different faith traditions, our children will have the opportunity to practice meditation and engage in craft activities on Sundays to understand better the messages conveyed.

We are enthusiastic about witnessing our children flourish and grow this year."

Classes will be in session every Sunday starting at 10:00 am for all age groups.  While our youth are in session, their adult companions may enjoy our adult Sunday services with beautiful music and refreshments after class and service end. We like our children to be in their classroom 10 minutes before the start of class.

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Shirley Leung  

Youth Education Coordinator




It is with great joy and a sense of purpose that I embrace the role of Youth Education Coordinator at this inspiring center. At present, I walk the path of a Religious Science Practitioner, steadily advancing towards a ministerial future with the Centers for Spiritual Living.


My tapestry of life has been woven with threads of technology and business, and I take pride in having nurtured three remarkable young women who navigate life's journey with vigor and zeal. Through the years, I've come to realize a profound truth: that I possess the power to shape my destiny, exploring realms of possibility with success.


I wholeheartedly believe that our greatest contribution to this world is the legacy we leave in our children. Therefore, our Youth programs are pivotal in sculpting individuals who are not only secure in their confidence but are also imbued with resilience, kindness, and a deep sense of civic duty. I am eager to contribute to the blooming of your children's potential, guiding them towards lives rich in fulfillment and meaningful impact on the communities they will enrich.


With love, Shirley.

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